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Module 2022 Impact Report

Vision and Mission

Everyone deserves to live in a space they are proud to call home. Module is on a journey to bring attainable, human-centered housing to the world. We are a housing brand powered by the people it serves. We envision a world where high-quality housing is attainable, where housing providers create thoughtful, net-zero housing and see good design as an asset, not an afterthought. Where neighborhoods and cities throughout the country can develop more sustainably and equitably. In 2022, Module advanced this mission by completing several all-electric, net zero-ready projects on formerly blighted properties, partnering with local workforce training programs, and dedicating more homes towards affordable housing.

Last Mile Lab & Workforce Training

In 2022, Module officially launched its Last Mile Lab in Pittsburgh, a construction innovation lab focused on providing onramps into the trades. The goal of the space is to fuel innovation in the home-building industry while furthering Module’s mission to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive way to build new housing. Module supported a cohort of 5 students who graduated from the Trade Institute of Pittsburgh’s carpentry program (TIP) at the end of July 2022. During the program, Module provided modular-specific educational opportunities, including visits to a modular factory and a completed net-zero-ready modular home. Module plans to continue collaborating with the Trade Institute of Pittsburgh through The Last Mile Lab in 2023 and beyond. The partnership will enable the Trade Institute of Pittsburgh to scale its current workforce training programs and expand opportunities to the local community.

Overview of the Last Mile Lab

Social Impact

Module delivered social impact by dedicating a portion of our homes to households below 80% of the medium income, providing in-kind services to affordable housing developers, and participating in workforce training initiatives through the Trade Institute of Pittsburgh. Module’s innovative approach to equitable housing was recognized by Fannie Mae, as it was one of five national winners of the Sustainable Communities Innovation Challenge in 2022.

Affordable Housing Impact

For 2022, Module signed agreements or won proposals for 34 new housing units in the Pittsburgh area. Of the 34 new units, 20 units (55%) are scheduled to be constructed for households making less than 80% of the median income, exceeding our target of 20% affordable housing units. Module also provided discounted and in-kind services to several mission-driven affordable housing developers. The services Module performed included feasibility studies, site plan development, and preliminary cost estimates. The services provided enabled these developers to take steps toward developing affordable housing projects in their neighborhoods.

Fannie Mae Innovation Challenge (IC22)

Module Housing was selected as one of five organizations to receive deliverable-based contracts under the Sustainable Communities Innovation Challenge, a nationwide competition to help advance racial equity in housing. Through the Innovation Challenge 2022 (IC22), the company sought innovative, scalable proposals to remove barriers that currently prevent many households, including Black families, from purchasing or renting a home. Module is one of the winners. In partnership with Enterprise Community Partners, the nation’s largest black-led development organization, Module will demonstrate the feasibility of locally owned modular facilities to complete energy-efficient affordable housing in urban communities of color. The Fannie Mae contract will support Module's Last Mile Network project, setting the stage to expand the concept to Prince George’s County, MD, and Richmond, VA. Each facility will train new entrants in the construction trades, securing good-paying jobs while creating affordable housing and enabling Black homeowners and renters to build wealth.

Environmental Impact

The Mellon Street and Sheridan Avenue homes were designed to save homeowners energy costs

In 2022, Module completed the N. Sheridan Avenue and Mellon Street projects. Both projects were built to be 55% more energy efficient than the average new construction, saving homeowners an estimated $1,175 in annual energy costs. For upcoming projects, Module will continue to build and design homes that are energy efficient and lead to significant savings for homebuyers in low-moderate census tracts. Module’s upcoming projects in pre-construction are projected to save $1,518,174 over thirty years in utilities and 14,109,424 kw/h over thirty years in energy savings. 85% of upcoming homes will be in Environmental Justice Zones, and 60% of homes will be in 80% AMI (Area Median Income) or below.

Thanks for your continued support.


Brian Gaudio

CEO, Module Design Inc


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