Module's latest feature interview features Mark Martin, the Founder and CEO of Build UP. Mark worked in public education for fifteen years and observed firsthand the many obstacles that poverty and housing insecurity posed to his students. After returning to school to complete Harvard's Doctor of Education Leadership program and meeting many like-minded educators, he returned to Alabama to launch Build UP.
Build UP is the first and only high school and workforce development model that teaches low-income youth career skills through paid apprenticeships and coursework. In addition to a toolbelt of job-ready skills, students graduate from Build UP with a high school diploma and associate's degree.
Build UP's mission has three components: to give students the tools necessary to find success in their lives and careers, provide families access to affordable, stable housing, and facilitate leadership and improved economic status to empower students and their families to lead a long-term revitalization of their community. Visit Build UP's website to learn more about how this innovative education impacts students and the community.
Listen to the full interview where Mark discusses the value of teaching financial literacy and including fieldwork and apprenticeship in education.