The house is coming together (inside & out)!
With the exterior walls and roof up, the next step was to frame out the interior walls for the bathroom and closets.Exterior doors, EPDM weather barrier, and building wrap on exterior walls all had to be installed before any significant interior work could begin.
With the house dried-in, plumbing and electrical rough-ins were installed, inspected and approved, then HVAC ductwork was laid before drywall was completed. While all of the interior work was moving along, the Nichiha fiber cement facade was installed by Dixie Exterior in just two days. Â
Because the home has a polished concrete floor, this had to be completed ahead of priming interior walls to prevent any splattering. Once the drywall was primed, custom kitchen cabinetry and built-in furniture was installed by Kelly Custom Furniture and Cabinetry in just two days. Next up is finishing touches on custom cabinetry, pine ceiling install, utility tap-ins, and exterior facade painting.
Photos from the site:
