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Black Lives Matter: Where We Stand

We stand in solidarity with our fellow black Americans who have historically and continue to experience systematic oppression. This is an issue that sadly has been part of the United States’ past -- since its founding. Some have had the privilege to not have to worry about being victims of systematic or individual racist behaviors. Black Americans have not had that privilege. This is unacceptable and tragic, but it’s the truth.

We believe in a government of the people, by the people. It’s clear that when innocent people of a certain skin color are discriminated against and dying at the hands of the police is a government that is only working for some people.

We believe and support the right to protest. This is a sign of a strong democracy and a tenant which this country was built on -- where the people do what they can to make change to move this country in the right direction, and to make real progress.

We advocate for justice in the wrongful killings of black people at the hands of police. We believe that, while we don’t envy the jobs of police officers, we hold them to a high standard as their duty isn’t “to protect and serve some”, it’s to “protect and serve all.”

We are saddened by the tragic loss of fellow americans: George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbury, Antwon Rose -- unfortunately to only name a few who have died unjustly. For Black Americans reading this, we know there’s hurt and anger for those who’ve either engaged in racist behavior and for those who have been silent as these tragedies continue to occur. We recognize that being silent on this is to be complicit -- we will use our voice to fight against racism and to support our fellow black Americans

This is not a political statement, but a humanitarian one. To live in a country as “successful” and “free” as this one, we can and must do better for all citizens.

Combating Racial Inequality & Injustice: Module's Role

As a team, we sat down and decided on three things that we could do to immediately begin doing our part.

1. Mentoring and exposing more young people of color to the world of Design, Architecture, and Entrepreneurship

Module was made possible because of the exposure that our founders had to design and architecture at an early age and throughout college. We want to make sure that young people of color in Pittsburgh have the same opportunity to explore and learn about creative careers and entrepreneurship. We are doing this by partnering with local organizations and public schools in Pittsburgh who are already doing this important work.

2. Making a conscious effort to work with Black-Owned businesses and contractors as we continue to build homes in Pittsburgh.

We are committed to hiring people of color as we continue to build more homes in the Pittsburgh region. This means we’ll need to cast a wider net and go beyond our default strategies for sourcing and hiring for jobs. As we reflect on our practices in the past, we have worked hard to be inclusive but realize we can do better.

3. Committing to building and advocating for mixed-income developments now & in the future.

According to the American Community Survey of 2017, Black Americans with four-year college degrees have a lower homeownership rate than white Americans without a high school diploma. Creating affordable housing is something that requires creative financing initiatives and assembling the right stakeholders to make it a success. In our Black Street Project, a mixed income development, we’ve been fortunate to work with the Urban Redevelopment Authority and Dollar Bank who are advocates for affordable housing. As we look to future developments, we are committed to building and advocating for mixed-income developments in the city and the country.


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